Fleet Helicopters Flight Training, Aerial Support and Helicopter Emergency Response Services

Fleet Helicopters is a leading provider of diverse rotary-wing services, Australia wide. Aircraft operated include Bell Jetrangers, Bell Longrangers, Bell UH-1H Hueys, Bell 47s, Robinson R22s and Cessna 182 aeroplanes. The fleet’s base in Armidale NSW is ideally located to ensure fast and economical relocation to job sites.
Our unique, diverse, high-altitude environment provides students in our flight training school the challenges required to ensure they graduate not just with a pilot licence but with the skills necessary to succeed in the competitive world of helicopters.
Helicopter flight training
Fleet Helicopters is able to provide students with helicopter flight training towards private and commercial helicopter licences.
As Fleet is a commercially operating helicopter company with in-house maintenance support, students are exposed to the real-life world of rotary wing operations. This exposure ultimately prepares students studying for a commercial helicopter licence to better understand the day-to-day requirements of a commercial pilot from operational planning to client relations.
Armidale NSW offers a unique high altitude environment for helicopter training unmatched elsewhere. Our flight training environment ranges from sea level to in excess of 5,000ft, including the challenging terrain of the steep and rugged gorge country to the east of Armidale.
Once you have gained your helicopter licence Fleet is able to offer advanced training services including turbine endorsements, low level and sling training.
Mining and gas exploration and construction support
Fleet Helicopters has a long history of providing rotary-wing services for mineral, mining and gas exploration and construction, from initial surveys to construction support and asset maintenance. Having a completely mobile maintenance support service and fixed-wing aircraft for crew transfers, Fleet can guarantee continuity of service. Fleet also provides airborne laser-based gas detection services to the gas pipeline industry alongside a fully geo-referenced video recording of any infrastructure surveyed.
Powerline construction and support
Fleet Helicopters routinely provides rotary-wing services for powerline construction and support including powerline stringing, pole and structure transport and placement and low-level aerial patrols utilising both helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft.
Charter and scenic flights
Fleet Helicopters offers first-class fixed-wing and helicopter charter services to any destination in Australia. In addition Fleet offers multi-award winning scenic flights and adventures throughout the spectacular wild river gorges of New England.
Filming and photography
Fleet Helicopters has provided high-quality aerial filming and photography services to clients such as the BBC, Australian Geographic, Tourism NSW, 60 Minutes, NBN, TEN and Channel 9. Aerial filming and photography services can include feature film and TV productions, advertising, environmental impact studies, wildlife and weed surveys, property inspections, aerial mapping and infrastructure planning.
From basic off-the-shoulder shooting to fully stabilised gimbal mounted cameras Fleet has access to a wide range of filming equipment to suit the clients requirements.
Emergency services
Fleet Helicopters prides itself on the timely and efficient provision of emergency services in times of need.
Our range of fire-fighting services includes:
- Mapping
- Reconnaissance
- Water bombing
- Aerial Incendiary Application
- Hazard Reduction
Our range of flood support services includes:
- Food, equipment and medical resupply
- Evacuation and relocation
- Livestock evacuation and feed supply
- Infrastructure survey
- Crew and equipment transfers
Feral animal control
Fleet Helicopters regularly works with a number of government agencies and private clients to provide feral animal control. The services Fleet is able to provide include aerial baiting for wild dogs and aerial shooting with the added capability of supplying a GPS tracking system and fully geo-referenced video recording of operations.
Products and Services
White Papers
Related Projects

Racer High-Speed Demonstrator

FCX-001 Concept Aircraft

AC352 Helicopter
Press Release
Regional Offices
Armidale Airport
PO Box 453
NSW 2350